
Of course, the strategies of most modern companies describe the means and methods of achieving the main goal of their existence - getting profit. We do see profit only as a consequence of realization of our basic ideas - we are trying to break the mould and make the complex world of automation, information and computer systems easier for our customers. As if a 70-year old accountant would be offered to use a modern calculator instead of the accounts fig and he would not feel the difference in simplicity and habit of use, but only would estimate his productivity improvement.

Our customers are not interested in level gages or data transfer protocols of them in the forecourt management system - they just want to see the remaining fuel, not measured in the morning by operators using a staff gauge and other accessories, and those that they have now, at the current moment, on their smartphone, being at any distance from their forecourts.

We give our customers what they need. If they do not know or do not really understand what they want - we explain to them what they should do for implementing their ideas. It is not necessary that according to the results of our consultations and recommendations (made free of charge), it is our Company that the customers will choose for implementing their ideas. It is more important for us that owing to us, they will gain an understanding of how they can improve the efficiency of their business. That is, having sold and having implemented nothing – we will make the life of our customers easier, and will contribute to the increase in the percentage of forecourt automation in our country.

We strive to give simple and convenient interfaces to our customers for management, modernization and optimization of their business that they can choose from a variety of the proposed options different in price and functionality. We are not mono-oriented on any manufacturer. Thus, we give confidence to a customer in our impartiality to any brands of equipment or software, and the quality of our advice, the best for him in terms of price and quality.

As for service policy - in our work we are implementing a European concept that relies on the following principle "the more there are defects, the less the customer pays." It means that our customers pay not for permanent repairs, but for the continuous operation. The more often the equipment and software, entrusted to us, break, the less our customers pay us for service.

We do not go on the way of competitors working on the reverse principles, because they believe that they work more when they eliminate more defects and, thus, shall also earn more. But if you think about it: customers are interested in that fact that the set equipment and software work and perform its functionality.

Once again, we give our customers what they need - a high-quality prevention and long stable operation without failures and malfunctions. Agree: it is better to brush your teeth regularly, than to treat caries :)